It had always been the plan that at some point we all would leave Paris and head to a building of 'architectural' interest elsewhere in the country. Gregg had picked a chapel near the Swiss border. An option to visit Switzerland was thrown on the table, which met with universal agreement. The decision of when we went there, and how long we stayed, was made on the Sunday; leave on Tuesday with an, as-late-as-possible, return to Paris, on Wednesday.
With us only planning to be away from Paris for 1 night, we hoped to keep hold of our room for when we returned, unfortunately we could not reach the apartment owner and had to vacate as originally planned with all our luggage. At the station we discovered, to our horror that a trip to Switzerland would cost over €200! So a quick fix was needed fast. Gregg and Dan spoke with one of the window ladies and returned 10 minutes later with 3 tickets to Belfort, the town near the chapel. They were cheap, next-day returns, but still cost €100 each. The journey would take 4 1/2 hours.
Arriving in the early evening our first mission, was to find a place to stay that night. Gregg bought a local map and over a beer we found the most central hotels. Our main choice turned out to be a bit pricier that hoped so we trekked back to a hotel we had seen near the station. That one was full, so back we when again to choice number 1.
Gregg fancied some 'real' French cuisine and asked for some traditional restaurants. They were in the old part of town and admittedly the first place we'd been where no-one could speak English. I had rabbit and duck; Gregg had guinea fowl and I can't remember what Dan had, but it was good eating. After dinner we wandered around town and found a fort guarded by a massive stone lion. Suddenly the place had character and was no longer just a place to crash for the night.
We ended the night in a bar two roads away from our hotel. Much later Gregg went for a litle midnight walk. Dan and I hit the hay (not together mind ('I was never confused')), for the next day was the reason we'd travelled there; Le Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut de Ronchamp.