Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Badminton Wednesday

Every Wednesday the combatants take to court in honorable battle. In the modern era; myself, John, Jason, Martin and Phil take part in the Badminton Cup. However, in the classic era there were such champions as David, Dan and Chris!
This tournament has been running for several millennia, with no true victor being found, with the exception of Dave. On a good day he kicked your ass! On a bad day he just beat you! The remaining players...... well its too close to call.
So we salute these modern day soldiers who cast aside their injuries and aliments every week, to throw down and do battle! Hurrarh brave men!


Anonymous said...

I hear that you get your asss whipped like a girl every week son...

Especially by Big John!!!

Tidy your room

Anonymous said...

Ah, Sacha. You're only as good as the partner you play with!!!!! The champion will return one day......

squish said...

I look forward to the day, with a tear in my eye!