Saturday, October 21, 2006

Yeah baby, I'm back! Pt 3

Day 5. With Mel's jet lag we now only got out after 12pm. The day consisted of shopping and a cruise trip down the River Yarra. This was to be our last full day as we were flying out the following evening.

guess who?
Me and Mel
Melbourne skyline and Melissa

Day 6. Started with packing, checking out and leaving our luggage in storage, then we jumped on the tram and headed to St Kilda and the beach. We had lunch and ice cream and generally enjoyed the nice 28c day. We rounded of the day with a coffee and a donut before flying home.

tram to St Kilda
St Kilda
Pimp Daddy Chocolat
Pimp Daddy (again)
Melissa (again)
the plane home. 'Boo hoo!'

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