Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The big Five-0

This is the fiftieth post on the Squish Pages. I was hoping that it's 50th coincided with some momentous occasion that could be shouted out from the rooftops and make the moment of reaching 50 that much more special. Well it hasn't. It's an ordinary Tuesday evening in November, bit mild for the time of year (pleasantly so), but a little damp at present. My 3 times a week gym routine still hasn't clicked back into place, so I'm not there tonight. However, Mr Garner (my old school music teacher, for the uninitiated) has called to say its Christmas concert time again, and my annual invite to join the choir is extended once more! There is a 2 hr practice tonight which I'm about to go to. So no bells and no whistles.

I do want to say another big thanks to all my visitors though, who make continuing with this blog worth all the while. In the 6 weeks of the counter being installed I've received just shy of 280 hits! (I know. The first 7 visits was me!). With the actual number of total pages viewed by visitors standing at a whopping 911! Which I guess means when you guys click on any link within my page that doesn't lead you off of it. So thanks again for your support. And if you're new here; have a look around. Take a look at what I've been up to. MAKE COMMENTS! And have fun!



Anonymous said...

Hello Squish...

You are such a good singer.

Nearly as good as that Dave S.

Anonymous said...

That guy in Borat has massive Ball Sacks...

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Garner,
Glad you like my singing voice but you only wanted me to join the choir for another reason!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mr tone deaf

I wanted you to join the choir, so we could play Blood Bowl & badminton then lick out some bowls in home economics togther.


Mr G

squish said...

The REAL Mr Garner has this blog address.....!

Anonymous said...

Of course I have this Blog address...

Anonymous said...

what the hell's going on...?!