Altogether there was about 35 of us from the 6 different offices in our region, including the Regional managers from the house selling and mortgage selling sides. The night started with a sit-down Christmas dinner. 3 courses. I made myself queasy on the starter which was a Stilton cheese pate!, and stayed off the alcohol for the rest of the evening!. The main was the traditional turkey with cheesecake or Christmas pudding for dessert. Next up came the comedians, 3 in all; each one funnier than the last. And I don't know if it was by design that we estate agents had the closest tables to the stage, but there we were. We took flak from each of the acts.
At 11pm the comedy was over, the tables and chairs cleared and the DJ cranked on the tunes. All the tunes were a bit 'late' i.e hits from a few years back (maybe he was gonna get 2006's songs for Xmas!), but entertaining all the same. Got home about 1.30 and had to be up bright and early for an 8.45 start the next day!
Most of these dudes you guys will never know but I'll name my office mates.
Sharon, Alan (my manager) and yours truly
Melissa and Moi
Sunny and Geeta (from the Ilford office)
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