Thursday, February 22, 2007

1000 hits and counting!

Well the heading says it all really. 1003 visitor hits to this site since October, but 2469 actual pages viewed! Which means that the average visitor looks at a couple of pages each time! To be honest I'd like 1000 hits a day, but that will have to wait until I turn squish pages into a porn blog!!


Anonymous said...


I'll pimp you if you want to turn this site into a porn blog...

We can get the Kleenex brigade (other tissues are available) to pay £5 each for a shot of your old boy and plums on a webcam.

I reckon we'd make at least £25...

in the first year ;-)

Greg said...

How old is squish? The dastard keeps avoiding the question.

squish said...

I'll be 100 next birthday!

Greg said...

You swine!