Last night us lads; John, David, Martin, Jason and me, were out for John's stag do. It wasn't the usual hedonistic affair that is the expected night's events, however it was still jolly good fun! I'm afraid the first part of the evening has to be shrouded in a veil of secrecy, however, I will say that God deserves a pat on the back for his idea when he asked Adam for one of his ribs! Nice one God!

Our next venue was an American diner in Chelsea called
Big Easy. Now I've eaten in American styled diners before but the food here surpassed anything I'd had before. With rack of ribs on the menu the choice was easy to make (I LOUVRE the ribs), but I was not ready for the whole pig the arrived on my plate! Not to be defeated, I dived in. Yummy!
Martin had booked the restaurant but our booking had got lost so we didn't get a table till gone 9.30, so we only had time for the main meal as the last train home was our target. Good choice of eatery Martin, and congrats John.

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