Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Guess who's back? (Well sort of)

Hello! I'm still alive!

While the rest of the world works on reducing its carbon footprint I've working on reducing my 'cash' footprint. December's pay, paid for my ultimately expensive trip to France. January's pay covered Christmas (and there's a story behind that which come in a future post); and as I didn't work all of January (new job) I didn't get a full month's pay. And with February, March and April being my probation; I am/will be on on a wage equivalent to a semi-bad month in my old job. So not a lot of cash around for the first half of this year.

The other reason for me dropping off the radar is me, unashamedly, still struggling with the '5 day' run at work. Apart from a handful of times, I have always had a day off during the week. Only working 3 days then getting my day off and a lay-in, then working just 2 days before another rest day. Bliss! After *cough cough* years working that way, since school, I now have to adapt to doing 5 in a row! My body still feels like it needs its lay-in every Wednesday/Thursday, but instead I get up and go to work again for another 2/1 days. By the weekend I'm so overtired that the weekend is spent sleeping, and evenings, having dinner, then early night.

Its getting better though, no more headache or stars!

Tee Hee! In fact I've blown out Jason and John at badminton tonight because I was out till midnight last night, and today I was in bits.

However, the main reason I've blogged tonight is because the London Freewheel is back!; the free biking day where the roads of London are closed to all but bikes. Its on Sunday 21th September and you can sign up here. I know a lot of people missed out last year so sign up early.

Thanks Sarah for the heads up.

Until next time!


Anonymous said...

Squish, you can borrow my bike again for the london freewheel if you like, I would like it back from the last one first though :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sach, glad to see you back again! I was beginning to think that the Bairstow bretherin stopped selling property and, instead, sold YOU to a rich buyer! Somehow, I just couldn't picture you walking around hackney village with a big ol' FOR SALE board protruding from your back pocket!!
Anyway, keep the blogs coming son.

Peace out


squish said...

Sorry bout that John. Kinda slipped off the radar with that one. It has been locked away in the shed since the last Freewheel

squish said...

Thats 4 the love Boatsy!