Saturday, October 28, 2006

I used to be apathetic, but now I don't care!

'Hands up who likes procrastination?'

'You will tell me tomorrow?'

'Fair enough.'

I've been lacking the motivation to visit the gym this week. In a normal week I'd go at least 3 times, not including 'badminton Wednesday' and my Monday night aerobics class. But this week I've been putting it off. Was going to go on my day off; use the gym and then have a nice steam and sauna, but then I put it off. As I did Thursday after work, and Friday after work and now Saturday after work.

I will go tomorrow about 11 am. (Yeah right!)


Anonymous said...

tut tut my son. you need to work it out to get the laydeees!

Anonymous said...

You need to work, out to get the boys to notice you my son...

Anonymous said...

Take your hood off in class boy!!!

Anonymous said...

mais oui!

Anonymous said...

Are you a member of the John Inman fanclub?

squish said...

Has mr biglog ever made a comment or has it always not been him?!