Friday, October 13, 2006

"Is this thing on....?"

Well here I am I Oz, 9 hours ahead of you guys back home. Unfortunately due to a technically hitch I can't update my blog from my phone - patchy wap service in this area. So here I am in the hotel lobby.

Now is our second morning here in this lovely city of Melbourne. The 1st thing that strikes you is the lack of people. Imagine London then delete around 3/4 of the population. Now stroll around your new imaginary London. That empty. Our first day was spent at the zoo (make sure we get to see some Roos and Koalas). That was fun, 34c, Wowzers! The average temperature is only supposed to be around 20-25c, so we've lucked out there!

Catherine, The Roos say 'Hi' back :-)

I've already taken over 100 photos so I'm gonna have to pick the very best ones for the blog, and I see here that this terminal has a memory card reader, so I'll try and venture back with memory card in toe to see if it works.

By for now guys!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're having a good time, has the jet lag found you yet - it will !!

Anonymous said...

Hello John

Do you want to borrow some of Squish's DVD's while he's in OZ?

Anonymous said...

G'day cobber!
Hope you like Oz as much as I did (been there twice thus far!) and that the jet lag hasn't melted your brain yet!!! Have a good time and I'll see you soon, fella. PS Say hi to my cuz, Simon. He's down your way!