I can finally tell you about the exploits of last Saturday. I couldn't find the cable to connect my phone to computer, then (d'oh!) i realised I'd sold it on when I'd bought my silver phone and had yet to break out the new one! Oops!
Now where was I..... oh yes, 3 birthdays, 1 night..
With only 3 hours kip and a skin full of whiskey, I went to work last Saturday. I felt a little rough first thing but as the day wore on I felt a lot more perky. I guess knowing that I had a big night on stopped my from flaking out early.
Mike's Birthday(library photo)
I had not seen Mike for about a 1 1/2 years, not since our Paris trip, so when I got his birthday invite I didn't want to say 'no'. I didn't say 'yes' either; I wanted to surprise him. Luckily Mike was having a simple birthday bash; all day down his favourite local pub in Chadwell Heath. So straight from work at 5 I headed there. He was surprised, and it was good to see him and all of his mates again. Sadly and hour was all I could spare him as I needed to be in Marble Arch for 8pm....
Dave's Birthday(library photo)
I quickly headed home, had a quick shower, got changed and jumped on the tube for the West End. David was having a meal for his birthday in a sausage restaurant called 'Bang'. I had been there once before last year. Everyone else was meeting at 7.45 outside the station: I arrived at 8.15 and almost dashed passed the guys as they were still outside the station waiting on Chris! The restaurant was just a short walk away and with a sizable group we spread ourselves across 2 tables. Again there was some folks there that I hadn't seen for a while, and it was nice to do a lil catching up. Again with 1 eye on the clock took my leave as soon as I had swallowed my last mouthful. I had to get back to Essex and Barkingside...
Charlene's 21st
I picked up my car from Gants Hill and drove to Charlene's party. She had hired a hall till midnight so had nicely settled into my final destination. I think I only had an hour and a half there again, but the whole gang was there and it was a great way to end the evening. Disco, bar, cameras! I think everyone must have been tired that night because Me, Sarah and Dom left at midnight, but everyone else had already gone apart from Kara and Chris!

Needless to say I slept like a baby when I got home, and in fact my Sunday didn't start till 4.30pm!