I got told off for not checking my emails by Luan. I had missed the birthday invite out for Chris's birthday; dinner in one of Bluewater's restaurants. The meeting time was 8pm. From a standing start I had an hour to get there. I arrived at 8.15 and the guys had selected 'Tootsies' as the choice. I had never been to Bluewater that late and was more than a little surprised to see the shops still open and the mall bustling with people.
Birthday boy Chris, wife Anna, Dave, wife Luan and daughter Lucy, and Jason were already into their starters. I was able to order my main meal with them: ribs. I loves the ribs, and these were the best ribs I've ever had!
One of the topics of conversation was, 'if you had a free pass to sleep with any celeb/sports personality, who would it be?.
I picked Christina Aguilera.
I'll say this before Jason does on his blog, but I also said that George Clooney could turn me gay. But I'm not for turning! The ladies are far too beautiful.
Happy birthday Chris and God bless Christina.
Christina on Leno

Rest assured the 'George Clooney' debate will continue on Poker Night!
Squish, I'd check out my blog for a true version of events....
haha! i checked out the ghost writer blog page! tis hilarious! i particularly "laughed out loud" to his public announcement about his stolen ipod. you tell em chris! lol!
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