Now where was I..... oh yes, 3 birthdays, 1 night..
With only 3 hours kip and a skin full of whiskey, I went to work last Saturday. I felt a little rough first thing but as the day wore on I felt a lot more perky. I guess knowing that I had a big night on stopped my from flaking out early.
Mike's Birthday
(library photo)
I had not seen Mike for about a 1 1/2 years, not since our Paris trip, so when I got his birthday invite I didn't want to say 'no'. I didn't say 'yes' either; I wanted to surprise him. Luckily Mike was having a simple birthday bash; all day down his favourite local pub in Chadwell Heath. So straight from work at 5 I headed there. He was surprised, and it was good to see him and all of his mates again. Sadly and hour was all I could spare him as I needed to be in Marble Arch for 8pm....
Dave's Birthday
(library photo)
I quickly headed home, had a quick shower, got changed and jumped on the tube for the West End. David was having a meal for his birthday in a sausage restaurant called 'Bang'. I had been there once before last year. Everyone else was meeting at 7.45 outside the station: I arrived at 8.15 and almost dashed passed the guys as they were still outside the station waiting on Chris! The restaurant was just a short walk away and with a sizable group we spread ourselves across 2 tables. Again there was some folks there that I hadn't seen for a while, and it was nice to do a lil catching up. Again with 1 eye on the clock took my leave as soon as I had swallowed my last mouthful. I had to get back to Essex and Barkingside...
Charlene's 21st
I picked up my car from Gants Hill and drove to Charlene's party. She had hired a hall till midnight so had nicely settled into my final destination. I think I only had an hour and a half there again, but the whole gang was there and it was a great way to end the evening. Disco, bar, cameras! I think everyone must have been tired that night because Me, Sarah and Dom left at midnight, but everyone else had already gone apart from Kara and Chris!
Needless to say I slept like a baby when I got home, and in fact my Sunday didn't start till 4.30pm!
OH MY DAYS SQUISH!! i didnt realise youd gone all the way to marble arch before you got there! i just thought all ur other 'appointments' were just local! you mustve been pooped by the time you got the char's! but no one even noticed and you were your usual cheery, happy self and dancing away like a trooper! nice one sach! im sure char really appreciates it! was great to see you! x x x x
Oh yeah. I'm a trooper. It was nice to see you again sis. xx
I didnt realise ur nite was that mad! Glad u made it tho! can u send me copies of ya pics!! thanks xxx
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