That's right. Last Saturday I woke up feeling a bit queer, (but not queer in the modern sense, hell no! But in the old fashioned sense; a bit odd or strange. Different from norm) and with some new spots on my forehead. Sunni at work suggested i visit a NHS drop in centre which i did during my lunchbreak that day. The two nurses I saw looked at my face and at my back and said in unison 'You have Chicken Pox.'

As I was contagious I had to go straight home, and stay there. And this is where I've stayed since. For the first 3 days I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow, and made the
elephant man look like David Beckham. Wednesday was the first day I got out of bed, and even now I look like a leper, or an extra from the 'Shaun of the Dead' movie'.
Hopefully I'll feel better soon, and hopefully I wont scar!
Aaaaaw, poor hunny! hope u get better soon sacha. Big kisses xxxx
pictures, we want pictures, If it makes the elephant man look like david beckham i wanna see it. Oh and you get better of course, naturally.
P.s - Chicken pox is part of the herpes virus. You have herpes.
Aww. Sendind lots of "Get well soon" wishes your way!! xx
Thanks for the 'get wells' guys and Greg; 'I'll give YOU herpes!' (That sounds more threatening, and less gay in my head!)
course it does babe.
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