Saturday, April 28, 2007 I have the lurgy! :(

That's right. Last Saturday I woke up feeling a bit queer, (but not queer in the modern sense, hell no! But in the old fashioned sense; a bit odd or strange. Different from norm) and with some new spots on my forehead. Sunni at work suggested i visit a NHS drop in centre which i did during my lunchbreak that day. The two nurses I saw looked at my face and at my back and said in unison 'You have Chicken Pox.'

As I was contagious I had to go straight home, and stay there. And this is where I've stayed since. For the first 3 days I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow, and made the elephant man look like David Beckham. Wednesday was the first day I got out of bed, and even now I look like a leper, or an extra from the 'Shaun of the Dead' movie'.

Hopefully I'll feel better soon, and hopefully I wont scar!


Anonymous said...

Aaaaaw, poor hunny! hope u get better soon sacha. Big kisses xxxx

Greg said...

pictures, we want pictures, If it makes the elephant man look like david beckham i wanna see it. Oh and you get better of course, naturally.

P.s - Chicken pox is part of the herpes virus. You have herpes.

Anonymous said...

Aww. Sendind lots of "Get well soon" wishes your way!! xx

squish said...

Thanks for the 'get wells' guys and Greg; 'I'll give YOU herpes!' (That sounds more threatening, and less gay in my head!)

Greg said...

course it does babe.