As is customary come August Bank holiday Monday, I was at the Notting Hill Carnival. After missing last year's it was certainly good to be back. We were all lucky enough to have good weather over the whole weekend which makes things that bit more pleasant.
As with every year I've been, Gregg was was my partner in crime; and also with every year we attempted to recruit some troops to share in the great time we always have. Gregg fared better than myself, bringing along Gigi and Ellie plus a couple of her friends. I convinced Sarah to come along but she could only spare a couple of hours.
With the company I had, the day fell into 3 chapters...
Chapter 1 was Sarah. It was good fortune she came because otherwise I'd would of been on my own for about 2 1/2 hours as Nikki (an old college chum I had also arranged to meet up with) and Gregg both arrived later than planned. As it was I spend 45 minutes alone after Sarah left. It was her first time and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed her time there.
Chapter 2 was Nikki. She arrived with her friends, many whom I'd met before many times. It was good to catch up and get some food at the same time. A short time later Gregg arrived with his collective and also took the opportunity to have lunch. The 2 groups separated never really being joined in the first place and I bid farewell to Nikki and went with Gregg and Co. We paused on the main road to watch some floats go by. Afterwards Gigi and the others found the crowds a bit too much and left me and Gregg to battle on while they searched out quieter waters.
Chapter 3, Gregg. As always seems to be the case it was me and Gregg that lasted to the end. We pressed on to Norman Jay's 'Good Times' sound stage and danced on and drank on till the music stopped at 7pm. From then on we wandered the streets, alighting when the mood or music took us. We finally left the area about 9pm, after an utterly enjoyable day!