Thursday, August 16, 2007

The pleasure/pain theory

Despite the fun my trip to Barbados was I was totally unprepared for the news that greeted me when I returned. My Grandfather had died whilst I was away. On August 4th, the very day my cousin married! The first thing that struck me was the timing... 4 1/2 years ago my Uncle died, aged 42, of a silent heart attack. He had died while my parents where on holiday. And I had to ring my Dad and tell him that his younger brother had died while still abroad because the funeral was planned for the day after he and my Mom would return.

My Granddad was buried on Tuesday and I had to take yet another day off from work at short notice. At 91 you can't say that he didn't get a good innings, but while death is part of life its always coupled with the shock and also the feeling of missing that someone who we will never see again. Unless of course you believe in afterlife. I for one am on the fence in that regard.

Nevertheless I hope your happily now in Heaven Granddad. Love you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our condolences, dude, from the Selbys