Hello all! Some of you may know, some of you my not, and some of you may not give a hoot!; but I just spent a week in Barbados. The birthplace of both my parents (Imagine that. Not all West Indians are from Jamaica!).
This was my first visit as a 'grown up', so at least I will remember being there this time. The purpose of the visit was not just vacation; my cousin was getting married! Well technically he was already married, doing so in his now home of the States to his university sweetheart, Hannah, back in may. However his dad, (my uncle) was/is quite poorly and couldn't travel to attend, so cousin Mark took a wedding celebration to him!
It turned out to be a second wedding, held on the beach, with the reception held under canopy next to the beach. And before you think it was some 2 bit, any ole beach affair, it was hosted at a hotel and fully catered! The date for the wedding was clearly chosen as my uncle celebrated his 80th birthday just days later, again a big lunch was laid on with all his children there, some who where grandparents themselves!
The rest to the time me and my mom (for that's who I went with) pottered around our all inclusive hotel (sunbathing (me only), eating), visited town a couple of times and walked around the local area. Needless to say, we have family there and did our best to see them as well. It rained for at least half of our stay there which pinned us to our hotel more than we'd liked but whatcha gonna do.
As for photos, my mom doesn't like being in them, so there aren't many of her. She's also rubbish at taking them (sorry Mom x), so they aren't many of me, soooo there's lots of scenery! Should help to give you guys a flavour of the place.
Only now reviewing the photos I took, just want to add that my aunt lives in the north and has a farm and shop, hence the animal pics :)
More pics here on Facebook.
Thanks also to wikipedia
In 25 years of knowing you, it's taken that long to see your nips...
Now please cover them up for the next 25 years ;-)
I think you and Chris are Nipple twins
waa waa wee waa! Babs looks sooo purdy! i wanna go! i wanna go! i can do the accent so im sure ill fit right in... xx
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