Not many updates happening lately because...
1) I'm getting lazy.
2) It takes about 1 1/2 hours (on ave.) to do each post, what with writing it, prove reading it, editing; uploading photos then arranging layout. Only for a couple of folks to actually read it!
3) I've got a problem with Blogger not uploading video (for me anyway) and that's really ticking me off cause I've got some good ones.
4) I'm starting to feel like a reporter, always having to take my camera out with me to get snaps for the blog.
Oh well... necessary evil I guess.
2 Sunday's ago I took part in London's inaugural 'Freewheel' event: several roads in central London closed to all but bikes, cycling in peace passed some of London's landmarks. I say in peace, but 32,000+ bikes turned up! I had ultimately borrowed a bike from friend John, as my Mom still isn't happy about me owning my own, and his wife Lyndsey let my borrow her nogging protector.
On the day I met up with sis, Sarah, and her uni friend Ellie at Stratford station for our ride down to Victoria Park, near Mile End, where there was a 'hub'. Kinda like a meeting point for us to pick up the marshaled journey into London. I hadn't ridden a bike since I was about 17 and enjoyed the trip. I was very nervous at first being on live roads but I soon got comfortable. I was also keen to be a responsible cyclist, heeding the rules of the road; obeying traffic lights and crossings and junctions, and not weaving in and out of traffic unpredictably. When we got to the closed roads we could ride with a bit more abandon.
The 9 mile route was basically a blast up and down Embankment from London Bridge to Westminster, with a loop around St James' Park. Free sandwiches were on offer at the 'Festival' in St James' Park with entertainment too. a chance to park up the bikes and take a time out. We 3 where approached by a reporter for bikeradar, an online bike magazine and the article can be found here on their website. Ellie's helmet also had a lot of attention as it was in the design of a blue ladybug, complete we antenna! It was also only her 9th trip to London.
All in all it was a great day out and I can't wait for next year's one!
more photos on my Facebook here
thanks to John and Lyndsey, and bikeradar.com
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