Sunday, October 21, 2007


As briefly mentioned in my previous post (the one below), I had to blow out making my 10k run return. I haven't run a 10k in over a year and was really up for getting back on the wagon. But not having eaten properly for the 2 preceding days I would definitely not have the energy levels needed to run over hill and down dale for and hour at 10 in the morning!! I was majorly disappointed not to be able to join Jason that day, but I think he had fun.

Sunday evening I joined Danny B and Gregg, to see Al Murray, the Pub Landlord, at the London Palladium. I think the performance was 'Giving it both Barrels'. I met with Dan and headed into town where we met young Gregg, who was nursing an mouth ulcer. I was totally thrilled to be seeing Al Murray being a big fan of his from his TV show Time Gentlemen Please and had a good night out have I chortled the whole time!

Thats to and

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