Friday, December 15, 2006

No cock tonight!

Sorry. I couldn't resist it. Apparently the key to good blogging is in eye-catching headings. And this one I felt was eye-catching alright!

Those Squish Pages regulars will know that Wednesday night is badminton night. Now this Wednesday past we didn't play, hence, no cock. You know, shuttlecock! The collective reason; Phil has done himself an injury and has been told to take things easy for a few weeks. Jason had a very early airport run the next day and passed for that reason, Martin was feeling under the weather, and whilst initially coming, backed out last minute. Now that left just me and John. Now I had admittedly called John to say I was not up for playing singles that night (1 on 1, as it would have been just me, Mart and John), but when Martin later dropped out, I folded like a bad poker player. Poor John, he was the only one who wanted to play.

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